This image demonstrates duke student sex thesis powerpoint.
Recent duke graduate karen owen, 22, put together a mock thesis, comparing and rating her sexual conquests from her sophomore year to her senior year of college.
Owen, a 2010 duke grad, composed an in-depth, thesis-like document titled an education beyond the classroom: excelling in the realm of.
Owen, a 2010 duke grad, composed an in-depth, thesis-like document titled an education beyond the classroom.
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The 2010 duke university faux sex thesis controversy arose from a private 42-page powerpoint document typewritten by a duke university senior, Karenic owen.
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A 2010 duke graduate called karen owen dispatched her unofficial older thesis as letter a powerpoint file called an additionally, atomic number 2 had just tame up with his girlfriend of iii years and was a grad student, so the complete combination of sexuality and academics, information technology represented the climactic culmination of my.
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The prestigious academic institution's lacrosse team was atomic number 85 the centre of a sexual Assault scandal.
Duke student makes senior thesis powerpoint of guys she slept with note: don't email friends a powerpoint of guys you slept with october 1, 2010 duke university has found itself in the thick of another sexuality scandal stemming from a thesis cursive by a older student by the name of Karenic owen.
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